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Showing posts from August, 2020

Avicenna diagram

 Diagram of philosophy of: Avicenna

Plato’s Theory of Immortality diagram

This is part 3 in 5 of Plato's philosophy; this one is on his theory of immortality. You just need to read Phaedo summary at: . It will cover it all.

Meno summary

  Meno, by Plato. Cool quote from text: “the good are not so by nature...For if they were, this would follow: if the good were so by nature, we would have people who knew which among the young were good by nature; we would take those whom they had pointed out and guard them in the Acropolis, sealing them up there much more carefully than gold so that no one could corrupt them, and when they reached maturity they would be useful to their cities.” You can read Meno here: . Meno visits Socrates, starting the dialogue off by asking a question. Meno inquires about the concept of virtue and whether it is acquired in some way, through teaching or experience, or implanted at birth. To Meno's surprise, Socrates responds with a statement entailing that he, nor anyone else he knows, understands virtue. However, Socrates does offer to help define the term, and Meno accepts. Socrates goes on to explain various details surrounding the concept of virtue, wh...

Socrates diagram

Diagram of philosophy of: Socrates